
22:41:00 Unknown 0 Comments

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Thus movie is talking about all the storks are delivering parcel that customer order but before that storks responsible to deliver baby to who required a baby from them . Why they don do it anymore? Case happened on a stork called Jassper. On the way delivering baby and he is losing the baby's address. After that case, their boss change to delivery parcel services.
A girl worked in factory and they want to fire her because she is a trouble maker. Therefore, she change her work to receive require baby letter but actually at that time no one believe with storks delivery baby. One day, a boy really want "Ninja boy" for him and he request. All of sudden, she took the letter to the "Baby Factory". After she put inside, a baby was produced and this time a stork realize and the stork want to stop her but is too late .Then both of them delivery this baby with a secret way. The way of delivering baby was so tough and hard because their airplane was crush and they met folks. Also their boss want to stop them. At the end, they have successful to delivery the baby to the receiver.

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